HTC最近在Youtube上发布了两部You Campaign系列电视广告片,旨在告诉人们HTC智能手机是如何从各个方面改变你的生活的。广告片里的场景和台词非常让人感动,不禁感叹HTC在广告片制作上的深度。
因为HTC经常贴牌给AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon等厂商。所以HTC的品牌形象并不突出,而HTC已经不甘于制作一个智能手机制造商,而此次推出的这些广告片,也是在理念上为HTC造势
HTC这次推出的Campaign Tv Commercial由两段广告组成,两段广告都用 ;You dont need to get a phone,you need a phone to get you;作为结尾。我自己则彻底被You are different from yo;那段打动了,这句you need a phone to get you我感同身受唏嘘不已。
许多年后当人们已经忘记水果公司手机时,也许会想到这句广告词还有另外的解读 You dont need to get a iPhone,You need a HTC to get you;
1、HTC You Campaign TV Commercial - You Are Different
2、HTC You Campaign TV Commercial
【You Campaign另外一部广告片和详细台词】:
you are different from you,
and you are trying to forget about work,
while you are working late again,
and you miss your kids,
and you missed waves,
and you can’t believe what you just saw,
and you need to laugh,
and you need to cry,
and you just care get rid of your mind,
well you just want to know if he is ok,
but you need a place to eat,
so you start and listen to the band you saw that time year place
well you would let one know you are almost there,
and you want to share,
and you want to think,
and you’re trying to remember,
and you’re trying to forget,
and you come to realize,
and you don’t need to get a phone,
you need a phone that gets you, and you , and you,
and we are htc.
